Wednesday, September 7, 2011

About GF and Her BF

Story Mory The Morning Glory!


2 watak utama dlm story mory ni....
Pejam Celik Pejam Celik..this special bond dh 1 year! Taniah kepada si GF ann si Bf yg telah berjaya menghadapi pelbagai rntangan, halangan n cobaan dlm hubungan special ni... This relationship begin like this......... First meet on 31st December 2009 - 1st January 2010 at RP Club..Celebrating New year!..(x manis nye bila org-org tua sporting k..biase la org muda). Kenal-kenal n tgur ANL members name ZAM The Charming and the Dancer and Mart the sweet talkers and approacher. Both of them yg memberanikan dri tegur we ols kat dnce si gf nmpak dri jauh ja si bf tgah lepaking ngan group dia...masing2 jual mahal la...

Then..perkenalan jdi biase2 phone msg...(no phone si bf on si gf tk tau)...then till 1 day...celebrating Cujen The Lejen Birthday at Bar Sarvant (Club Lagi..hehe...biase la org muda kan) Mont that nite si gf terjumpa lagi si bf...mcm biase malu2 meow n jual mahal kan...smpai la si bf duduk sebelah si gf..start la comunication....then si bf ajak dance...em..ngan bangga nye si gf smpai 5 minit bf g kat kwn gurl dia n tngglkan si gf kat dance floor...mmg hampeh la this guys..fikir si gf...dh ade gf kot mamat si gf pun duk blik kat seat,,n layan ja lagu alone..dlm hti ade skit frust la..bila nk blik..ade seisi snap2 picta (mmg rutin ANL la) n ade rupenye 1 picta si bf n si gf...hehe..sweet tau :)
p/s: pic o sesuai nk show kt cni..:)

Then seperti biase...diam seribu bahsa..smpaila 1 gf terslah cll..nk cll aril lain...tercll si bf...oh no...then si bf angkat ..he said dia kat stesen mnyak..nnti dia cll blik...n si gf rase lain mcm...mcm suka pun ade..pelix nye what the feeling la..huhu...then si bf cll blik...they gayut smpai pgi kot...mcm2 borak..tu la ni abis ngan cll smbung laks esok kat FB..kes teka teki ...then after the phone call n fb chatting...the Love Story Begin.....

First Date With Kawan2 k...mula nonton muvie at Sunway BF bwk BFF dia...Mr Charming Akie..huhu..potong kisah romantik skit...then..smbung pulak...tgk Bola..Kat Sunway..ngan ANL Family...huhuhu..mmg x la nk gf n si bf hanye diam2 sendri..rase2 sendri je..even kawn2 ANL mcm ade yg tahu n hidu kisah mereka ni..

The real First Date start bila 2-2 nye MC akibat Bola Mlm Semalam..n Alamanda la Tempat 1st Date Si bf n Si gf...hehehe...

then start la kisah cinta layan ea picta2 mereka....

Berbuka puase with ANL Family - Sept 2010 (First Declare to Members)

First Year Raya Bersama - Oct 2011 (Kreadit to Cik eka)

First Wedding Invitation Togther2 - (Cujen n Mustrun Wedding) Oct 2010

First Vacation (Pulau Tioman) - Nov 2010

Fisrt My Besday Celebration together! This is Suprise From Him! -Dec 2010

So this is the Story for 2010 (The First Year si gf n bf together)

The 2011 will be continue....

see ya!

Coret-Coret Suka Hati


teringin nk coret-coret kat blog sendri dgn kreatifnya. Tapi mcm tk de bakat je aku ni..FYI aku seorng yg tk suka membaca buku, cerpen, surat khabar, blog2...tpi lately ni aku rase sgt tdak aku gagahkn dri bca sume2 aku start bace blog2 org..n bru je pas bce blog membe aku yg sgt sempoi n 'Cujen The Lejen' ( Sgt la cool hokey...n tulisannye n nukilannya sgt2 la sempoi...mcm diari la..sedap mata memandng n bace..slalunya aku bce benda2 mcm ni akn buat aku trus pengsankan dri ja..n this is one of therapy / cara utk aku nk tido time2 aku ssh nk tido..bru bukak novel bca 2 paragraph trus novel tu tentu2 atas perut aku/muka aku..nk nak abis kan 1 buah novel sometomes take 2 tahun...caya tak..aku mmg PEMALAS nk bace BUKU! nasib baik la pas belajaq..kalu tk kena hambat ngan Puan Asiah N En Zubairi.Bak Kata org-org tua ' mengabehkan Boreh ja ekau ni' oh..kahsian kan...tpi bila settle bace entry puan Cujen kita..buat aku gagahkan dri bukak blog aku..n buat entry ni..cube tgk last entry aku..tentu2 3-4 bulan yg lepas kan nok..kahsian again mulai hari ni..aku nk start coret-coret suka hati aku kt blog aku ni...nk berjinak2 buat nukilan jiwa sendri..entah ok atau tk tulisan aku ni..bedal je labu..asalkan leh dibaca oleh dri sendiri n sape2 yg sudi nk baca la..hehehehe..

so aku tgah pikir2...ape entry aku seterusnye...biarla idea bernas muncul di kala office aku tgah sunyi sepi ni (bos tkde) idea..please come to mama right see ya..:)